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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Individual Mandate is Constitutional, Welcome to the People's Republic of America

US flag code: The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except in instances of extreme distress in instances of extreme dangers to life or property

On grounds that the penalty for not buying healthcare is not a tax, Chief Justice Roberts ruled that the Tax Anti-Injunction Statue, which says nobody can sue to stop the collection of a tax until it has been paid, did not apply.

In the same ruling, on grounds that the penalty is a tax, Chief Justice Roberts, who sided with the liberal justices said the law would not be constitutional under the commerce clause, but is constitutional under the taxing clause.


These are dangerous times! Welcome to the People's Republic of America! This is a land where the Federal Government can now mandate you spend your money, or you do whatever they want, as long as they have put in place a monetary penalty for not doing it. They can now mandate your behavior!

It is horrifying the amount of power the Federal Government has just received! Tomorrow, you could be "asked"  to buy an electric car, broccoli, solar panels, a house, contribute to anti-global warming funds or whatever politicians decide, or how about you will be "asked" to contribute 100% of your 401k to the "Happy Security & Safety Government Retirement Fund," or be "taxed" $500,000? If you don't do either, then you have an IRS problem. As long as they fine you for not doing it, they will be able to do do this legally, because the Supreme Court has just ruled that any tax by the Federal Government, enumerated or otherwise is a constitutional tax! We had to amend the constitution to make income tax constitutional because the constitution did not provide for it. How should this be any different? Justice Roberts had to twist and bend until the constitution broke to get this through! How is this even remotely like the country our founders envisioned? 

We must stand strong with Mitt Romney in this upcoming presidential election, maintain the majority in the House and toss the Democrats out of the Senate! The door has been opened for unlimited and unbridled power of the Federal Government to mandate behavior. We need to shut it! If conservatives or at least Republicans do not hold all of the cards January of next year, there will be a slim chance that Obamacare can be reversed before it is implemented, at which point, it will never go away. The implications on how the supreme court managed to call this law constitutional today by using the taxation excuse, however, are chilling. Imagine what the Democrats will make us do, the next time they control the legislature and the presidency! We'll have to wait until the Supreme Court overturns it...FAT CHANCE.

Now that politicians can constitutionally control your behavior, we no longer live in a free country. It just takes a tax for politicians to make us do their bidding!


  1. .

    One is looking directly at 'the rule of law' as practiced in USA Really, the rule of law. And you calling "extreme distress in instances of extreme dangers to life or property"?! Where in the world do you live?

    This is USA, the will of the people, and how the system works. The people’s Congress passed the ACA. The people's President of USA has signed the ACA bill into law. The people's Supreme Court of USA has declared the ACA constitutional. The people's government will govern and implement the ACA. Like the positive and popular Social Security program, Medicare/Medicaid programs, and now ACA - we the people witness government of the people, by the people, and for the people in all its glory.

    You presented your case for your backward gloom and doom ideas and the people have said "no". Get over yourself. Now is it possible to acknowledge your whole pipe-dream ideology nonsense was foolishly wrong?

    USA still lives as the land of the free, home of the brave. Having a safety under the high-flying trapeze artist does not prevent the artist from being any better or worse than the individual wants to be.

    The crux of the matter is ever so simple. You have convince yourself that you do not want a safety net for yourself (for reasons known only to the universe). It pi$$es you off to no end to think that there are others who do want a higher quality of life and are willing to pay for it. Add to this point, the fact that it is Mr Obama who has been able to accomplish this transitional effort - and you have come totally unglued.

    Life will continue to get better in USA. You will benefit directly from life's improvements. And you will kick, scream, and deny that Mr Obama should be given credit for moving USA forward.

    Ema Nymton

  2. Do you even pay any attention to what is going on? Did you read how the supreme court reached this decision? You call a supreme court where 4 liberals always approve any law as long as it expands the powers of the federal government, where Kagan didn't recuse herself after being the soliciter general during the healthcare debate, and there is 1 "swing vote" the rule of law?

    Using your argument all countries with "the rule of law" are "free." According to you, they can mandate that you kill your firstborn child, and you would be "free" as long as it's "the law." Besides, Obama disregarded the law when putting Chrysler union members over secured creditors during its bankruptcy, and by not lifting the oil moratorium in the gulf when the court ordered him to. Our republic is hanging from a thread. This is "freedom" and the "rule of law?"

    "Get over yourself?" Who's the ignoramus who's posting here who has no idea what just happened. The supreme court has just ruled the Federal government can constitutionally make you do anything just by applying a "tax," the Democrats have been repeatedly looking for a way to seize private retirement funds to "save" Social Security, and you are telling me this is not extreme danger of life and property? The same Social Security that is going bankrupt, where they spend all money that is not paid out to recipients every year, and we still have a $16 Trillion debt? Do you even know why currency has value? Now they can just say "give us your retirement funds, or we will tax you $500,000." It's perfectly legal because of this supreme court ruling, and this is how "free" we are, and how we are "protected" by the "rule of law."

    Seriously, what rock did you crawl out from under, and how much attention have you been paying lately? Wake up. Obama has just instituted the largest tax in history. Where do you think that money comes from? Does it grow on trees? I had no idea the purpose of working hard and earning money was so the federal government could take it away at will and spend it to buy votes. Working so that someone can take away the fruits of your labor without your consent...hmm...what's that called...oh yeah slavery. This is your freedom.

    The ACA will not work the way Obama promised. Not only will it be poorer quality healthcare, doctors will be getting out of the practice because of it, there will be rationing, and costs are going up, but people like you believe the platitudes despite the evidence all around you. Socialized healthcare has not worked anywhere in the world it will not work here. What good is the right to have health insurance for everyone, if you don't have a right to treatment? Like Obama said, if you're old, take a pain pill. The people most hurt will be those poor people you think you're trying to help, and I'm sure the government will come up with another "solution" to the problem they created. What makes you trust the politicians? Both Republicans and Democrats have bought stock before the law came out, and they are on a course to profit from it, just like any other piece of legislation.

    Thanks for educating us on how "Forward" old ideas that have been tried and failed all over the world are. The same ideas which have made Greece and Italy bankrupt, and Britain ration healthcare, while maintaining NHS, the largest bureaucracy and workforce in the world behind the Chinese army. The European union and the US are working on bailing them out. Nobody in the world has enough money to bail out the United States. You better hope we get rid of this $2 Trillion mistake. If it wasn't for conservatives, you'd be living in a shithole by now.You should thank us for patching up your mistakes.

    1. .

      "Socialized healthcare has not worked anywhere in the world ..."

      You are wrong. Socialized healthcare works quite well in USA military, Switzerland, China, Japan, Germany, Canada, Costa Rica, and the States of Hawaii and Vermont.

      Ema Nymton

    2. Go tell those veterans that the VA system works fine! Go to China and see a doctor, tell me how that turns out! My wife has been there, done that. Tell the prime minister of Canada not to come to the US for surgery! Costa Rica has a private healthcare system. The government doesn't stick its fingers into the operation of it, and they don't worry about frivolous lawsuits. Do you know why lawyers support the Democrat party? It's job stability because Democrats never cut regulation, and as soon as a doctor steps over the red line, their malpractice insurance which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars has to pay when they get sued. That is another reason our healthcare costs are high! As for Europe, we take care of most issues that require military force. We're spending on it, which means they don't have to. Whenever there is a problem somewhere in the world who sends troops? It's the USA! We're subsidizing Europe's ability to afford social programs. There is nobody to subsidize us, and nobody that will bail us out of our debt. Seriously, it does not and will not work.

  3. Here's an article about your "positive" because it's going bankrupt, and "popular" because we are forced into it, Social Security program:
